If someone one, or multiple attackers, were to pick a fight with you, would you really be able to control the outcome of the fight?
Could you make the attack end how and when you wanted it to?
Could you, dare I suggest it, end the fight with one hit or kick?
Imagine that you’re in some bar, or walking through a park, alone. Some aggressive bully starts picking it with you … just because.
Note: And if you can’t picture him or her trying to goad you into a fight, imagine that said bully is trying to hit on you, in a sexual way, aggressively. Your refusal, or lack of interest, has no affect. Suddenly, it gets scary.
Even if you’re good at talking your way out of situations, this time it’s not working.
To top it off, the bully or stalker is blocking your exit. And not only is there no escape, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone willing to step in and help you.
You just have a sense that this will not end, until it gets physical.
So, let me ask you … what would you do?
I have seen martial artists who couldn’t defend themselves out of a cardboard box, and I’ve seen some rough guys who have never had a day of formal martial arts lessons in their life, yet could tear apart a group of multiple attackers, with or without a weapon.
It’s not always about the martial arts training.
That’s why End the Fight With One Hit begins with a chapter, complete with Action Steps, on how to Prepare Mentally for a fight that you can’t talk your way out of, and can’t escape.
By the way, almost all of the chapters include specific action steps. This is not just a “good read,” you really can perfect ways to end a fight quickly, from the point of contact with your attacker(s).
I bet that I can help you determine how you want a particular encounter to end.
And it’s not B.S. when I tell you that it “is” possible to actually know the outcome of the fight before it starts. It has to do with your mental mindset – more than you might think.
“Hi Keith,
I just donwloaded your newest e-book, How to End the Fight With One Hit. As usual, it’s great!
I’ve read a lot of books on punching, pressure points, dim mak, etc. — yours is the most practical. The best thing is that you discuss each technique/concept in detail, which makes each point easy to understand.
I can’t wait to get to the bonuses.
Cheers, Dr. Sixto Carlos, Military Hand to Hand Combat Instructor
Carlos Hermanos FMA – Co-Founder, Philippines
It would be pretty lame for me to take a photo of one martial artist kicking someone in the groin and then present that as a “fight-ending” technique. Agreed?
You can figure that out for yourself. You don’t need me to say, “Kick ’em in the groin!”
You need more than that kind of recommendation, don’t you?
After mental preparedness, I’m going to give you two moves, straight from the “Bruce Lee Arsenal” that can drop an attacker cold. I mean, BAM-BAM, and it’s over.
Use them separately, or together as a quick sequence.
Note: Later, we’ll talk about switching the order of the two techniques. If you know which move to use when, then this can be an effective sequence even against Bruce Lee disciples (JKDers). The reason is that more than half of them don’t know the difference of when to use each, or they don’t even know that one of the series exists. (And I’m one to know; I’m certified to teach JKD by an original Bruce Lee and Ed Parker black belt.)
I realize that it’s a pretty tall order to accomplish this all from an ebook, without a teacher in the room, and without knowing your fighting skill level.
“Keith Pascal is one of those rare individuals …a realistic martial artist with a talent for both writing and teaching. He tells it like it is with his own style of writing — with humor injected to keep things even more interesting.
“I recommend Mr. Pascal to anyone wanting good, realistic martial arts instruction in any format.”
-Sensei J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc Head Instructor Universal System of Self-Defense,Honolulu, Hawaii
Look, as a self-defense teacher and author, I know that the time that everyone wants to know fight-ending techniques is, unfortunately, AFTER you have been hassled or attacked.
It really is a shame that I write in an after-the-fact industry. So many nice people could be helped, if they’d take the steps to prepare now, for a possibly dangerous encounter in the future.
If you’re someone who understands that the same ol’ – same ol’ won’t necessarily keep you safe in a self-defense situation, then you really need this ePackage.
In addition to the mental preparedness and the two devastating techniques that we’ve already talked about, you’ll also get:
“I believe that if someone forces you to fight, then the idea of fighting fair goes out the door. You should do what it takes to survive, no matter what damage you have to inflict.”
That being said, it really is useful to have a way to end a fight without doing permanent damage to the bully.
Enter knocking the wind out of your hassler. You and I will discuss the intricacies of being able to quickly and efficiently knock the wind out of the jerk completely.
Once you have the knack, you’ll have it forever. It’s like riding a bike; once you know how, you know how.
As long as were talking punches, I want to tell you about a “magic punch” and the story of Charles. This could change the way you think about punches forever, no matter what your current skill … or lack thereof.
This will naturally lead into a discussion of Explosive Punch Guidelines. I want you to have every chance of connecting with the kind of force that you need to shut down a fight from almost the first point of contact.
“I am a bit of a book and video-aholic. In over 46 years of martial arts training, I have collected thousands of books and martial arts videos. I have a lot of stuff on punching. Speed Punching, power punching, wing chun punching, kenpo punching.You name it I have a book on it.Recently, I read Keith Pascal’s The Punch Papers. Now I have one book that has everything that all of the others have and so much more.
This is without a doubt the most comprehensive book that I have ever read on the subject of punching. I have used many of its drills and suggestions in my classes.”
-Dr. Larry Sanders Sijo Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu Soke Sessen Jutsu Aiki Ju jutsu
Before we delve into the bigger picture, and I share with you my personal self-defense philosophy, you get five targets, which almost turns your attacker’s entire body into one, big target for you. All you need is to practice the different kinds of hits for the different kinds of targets.
And once you get familiar with the different, non-vulnerable targets that you can hit (which makes them vulnerable, after all), I’ll show you how to make all this stuff automatic. After all, you can’t really expect to think completely clearly, when there is an imminent threat just a few feet away.
I want you to be able to respond without thinking.
I have been a martial-arts author for over a decade, and I value my reputation. It would do me no good to offer weak drivel. You need something that works. But hey — if you decide that “How to End the Fight with One Hit” isn’t right for you, then I’ll accept that it’s not a good fit. Period.
Just simply whip off an email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full (in fact, I’d be embarrassed to keep it). But… the eBook is yours to keep no matter what, as a “thank you” gift from me!
The regular price for this ebook at the publisher’s site, KerwinBenson.com, is $35, but because you’re on the Advantage Martial Arts List, I can offer it to you, right now, for half price …
Download End the Fight With One Hit, Now For Only $17.50
Most bonuses that I get with downloads … are a bunch of crap! Just this side of worthless. They are often just add-ons that have absolutely nothing to do with the main ebook.
Or worse, they’re glorified adds for more expensive products.
Not the FOUR ebonuses that you’ll receive with your download of End the Fight:
1) Faster Eye Jabs — Since one of the techniques in the main ebook relies on having a decent eye jab, here’s ab ebooklet that’s normally included with an expensive eCourse. I’m so sure that one of your go-to techniques will be the eye jab (in a specific circumstance), that I wanted to make sure you have every advantage.
Pardon the pun, but you’ll see immediately how this bonus ebook fits in perfectly with the “variation” advice and one of the Bruce Lee sequences.
2) Palm Strikes — Martial artists often worry about hurting their hands and knuckles when punching. You can break bones in your hand, if you hit someone in the head, for example. Even though, I have never injured my hand by punching, and I don’t think you have to either, I still want you to be able to switch in a palm strike, should you desire.
Also, a good palm strike fits perfectly with some targets on your enemy. It’s easy to cause a lot of damage with an open hand, when you know how.
3) Squeeze More Juice — This bonus was written specifically for the main ebook, End the Fight with One Hit. Grab this ebonus, and combine it with the original ebook, and it’s almost like you get double the value. You really will ramp up your ability to control and shut down a fight.
4) Worth The Price of The Book — I have FOUR more mini-lessons for you. Each one goes with a specific section of the main ebook, End the Fight with One Hit. And each of these recommendations is so powerful, that any one of them is worth the price of the entire epackage. No kidding — no hype. (I charge $200 to go through these four tips in person, and the students have to travel to me … when I can fit them in.)
Shh …
5) Surprise Bonus — Even though the main ebook covers some, what I call, reasonable kicks — kicks that you could actually land — I have to admit, it’s only a fraction of the ebook. Still, I don’t want to ignore your kicking completely, especially if you rely on kicks. So, I’ve provided this ebooklet, which outlines a great way to improve your kicks.
Now, It’s Up to You
The next step is up to you.
Remember, there is no risk. This complete epackage comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
And for a limited time, it’s only $17.50.
Download your copy now, and in 5 minutes, you could be on your way to taking control of any situation where some is “aggressing on you.”
Download End the Fight With One Hit, Now For Only $17.50
I’ll talk to you on the other side,
PS Recently, in the U.S, we have had a number of mass shootings. If you happened to be next to a “crazy with a gun,” could you save the place and take him down quickly and efficiently? Hint: Struggling with someone with an automatic weapon is NOT a recipe for success. Agreed?